Health & Well-Being
Health & Well-Being
We offer many programs and services that support the Health and Well-Being of our Latino community in Richmond, Contra Costa County, and beyond.

Mental Health Services
We provide individualized, culturally competent, integrated, and coordinated Mental Health Services for Latina women and their families particularly those who have limited access to insurance and treatment.

Our Children First Program
A parenting program that offers a Parenting School, which uses an evidence-based curriculum to teach Latino parents how to support the emotional, social, and educational development of their children.

¡Ya Basta! / Enough is Enough!
A program of support for victims and survivors of abuse and that also focuses on prevention and intervention to end family violence. Though this, we provide two support groups, including Pathways to Support.

Celebrating Recovery
Celebrating Recovery is a support group – with a 12-step program – for people seeking inner peace, including survivors of domestic violence.

Knitting Club
We offer a Knitting Club for youth and seniors every Friday. Started many years ago, it’s a welcoming community for everyone to learn, practice, and connect.

Other Services
We offer Multicultural Wellness Walks in collaboration with East Bay Regional Park District and many other services.